Welcome to Merry Makers Central Coast
“Providing social activities for people with an intellectual disability living across the Central Coast since 1987”
Merry Makers Central Coast is a non-profit organisation that is run by a group of passionate and dedicated volunteers with the aim of bringing fun and enjoyment into the lives of adults with intellectual disabilities.
Please watch the Merry Makers Central Coast website for updates or contact us: merrymakers.cc@gmail.com
Please phone 0416 377 951 if you need further information
Up coming events …..
What can Merry Makers do for you?
If you are over 18 with an intellectual disability, then Merry Makers is here for you. At Merry Makers you will:-
- Have an affordable place to go and socialise every Thursday
- Have a fun, friendly and safe environment
- Have a place to catch up with friends and make new ones
- Have fun dancing and listening to music, or just watching others
- Play games and win prizes
- Have some refreshments
- Have a place where you can just relax and enjoy yourself
- Go on a picnic, or attend a dinner dance once a month
Weekly Dances
The main event that Merry Makers Central Coast hosts are the Thursday Night Dances. Every week we hold a dance at :
Mary Catholic,
Church Hall, Noraville.
The evening usually starts with everyone’s favourite dances, the hokey pokey followed by the chicken dance. After everyone has warmed up the evening continues with a variety of music and dancing.
Dance games with prizes are often a feature of the evening and fun is always had dancing the limbo or the Scottish reel. The evening finishes with some refreshments and a bit of a chat.
While we encourage everyone to dance, some prefer to just come along and catch up with their friends. These weekly dances are a huge success and the numbers of attending clients has steadily increased over the years. An average of 65 clients plus a number of carers and volunteers will usually fill the hall and make for an excellent evening that people look forward to every week.
Everyone with a disability is welcome to come along to the Merry Makers dances. We may even be able to help with transport to and from the venue. The dances start and 7pm and finish at 9pm.
Monthly Events
Once a month Merry Makers Central Coast hosts an outing or a dinner dance. Our day outings, usually held on the second Sunday of each month, have taken the Merry Makers group to many places including ferry rides, train museums, animal parks, sports events etc. Our dinner dances, which are usually held every 3 months, are held at the Toukley Senior Citizens club hall and include a live band and a smorgasbord feast.
To read more about our past monthly outings and dances, please have a look at the Outings page or check the Calendar to see what is coming up.